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Selection of the reintroduction areas

One of the main objectives of the Life+IBERLINCE Project is to create new populations of Iberian lynx through its reintroduction in the short term in areas of Portugal, Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalucía and carrying out preparatory actions in the long-term reintroduction in Murcia. For the definition of the areas in which to carry out the reintroductions, the territory is subjected to a process of characterization through a series of variables for further analysis. Selected the best areas, they will draft an improvement Plan to fill the gap that may have to be optimal zones to accommodate the species.

For the selection of the areas of reintroduction, will take into account the experience gained in the project LIFE02-NAT/E/8609 and LIFE06 NAT/E/000209, as products of good practices, as well as the scientific-technical bibliography in this ambience, especially the recommendations of the Reintroductions Guide (Guía para las Reintroducciones) prepared by the Group of Specialists in Reintroductions of the International Union for the Nature conservation, that can be summarized in the following points:

  1. The reintroduction projects must be justified and have a great chance to give good results
  2. The reintroduction projects should include a feasibility study, a preparatory phase, a phase of reintroduction and other follow-up.
  3. The reintroduction projects must establish and document an agreement between all the parties involved (for example, between the competent authority in the management of the donor population and the Manager of the reintroduction area).
  4. The reintroduction areas should be areas where the causes of extinction of the species has been eradicated.
  5. The areas of reintroduction should be areas whose habitat had the necessary conditions for the survival of a viable population.
  6. The reintroduction areas should be areas where the attitude of the local population towards the species is favourable or there is a reasonable expectation that a positive attitude during the project duration can be reached.
  7. The withdrawal of individuals for its reintroduction should not suppose risks to the captive or wild populations.
  8. There only will be reintroduced lynxes which belong to the nearest population or which are the most similar as possible (in terms of genetics, ecology, etc.) to the specimens that previously occupied that area.


There will be taken as reference parameters in the model selection for potential areas established in:

  1. La Estrategia para la Conservación del Lince Ibérico (España)
  2. El Plano de Acção para a Conservação do Lince Ibérico (Portugal)
  3. The Collaboration Agreements between the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine environment (autonomous organism national parks) and the autonomous communities of Extremadura, Castilla - La Mancha and Andalucía, that gave rise to the constitution of the Multilateral Commission and the Memorandum of Understanding between Spain and Portugal that resulted in the creation of the Joint Commission.
  4. The reintroduction projects conducted in other countries with similar species to the Iberian lynx.